
Ten (10) Secrets To Living Longer.

You can achieve and win a better and loger life span for yourself with the following tips. The use of natural healthy supplement is a great way to drive yourself to this position. A research conducted by Buettner and his team studied the Blue Zones, they identified nine common traits shared by those communities where people live longer. He was surprised that it wasn’t only food and lifestyle, but also creating a most beneficial environment. Here’s a look at these longevity-boosting traits, known as the “Power of Nine(9) Move naturally.   “Do your own house and yard work, go up and down your stairs with your laundry, knead your own dough,” Buettner advises. “Incorporate more movement every hour.” Know your purpose. “Take time to recognize your values, strengths, talents, passions and gifts,” Buettner says. Reflect, and work on yourself. Down shift. Relieve chronic stress by finding time each day to nap, meditate or pray. The 80% rule . Cut 20 pe...

How To Prevent Stroke Naturally.

Up to 80 percent of all strokes can be prevented—start reducing risk now. Although stroke can happen to anyone, certain risk factors can increase chances of a stroke. However, studies show that up to 80 percent of strokes can be prevented by working with a healthcare professional to reduce personal risk. It is important to manage personal risk and know how to recognize and respond to stroke signs and symptoms. Stroke Prevention Guidelines The following Stroke Prevention Guidelines will help you learn how you may be able to lower your risk for a first stroke. National Stroke Association's Stroke Prevention Advisory Board, an elite group of the nation's leading experts on stroke prevention, established the first Stroke Prevention Guidelines. They were published in a 1999 issue of Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and have been updated to reflect current medical standards. Talk to a healthcare professional and follow these guidelines. Know bloo...

Walking To Keep Fit, Stay Healthy And Control Weight

 Achieve A Green Health Through Walking Walking is one of the easiest, most enjoyable, cost effective and most natural form of exercise. It can help you keep fit, stay healthy, live longer and control your weight. It is recommended that you walk a minimum of 10,000 steps a day to reap the numerous health benefits of walking. Walking is a free, easy and natural form of exercise, guaranteed to keep you fit and healthy while controlling your weight. Walking is a gentle, low-impact exercise that can help you achieve a higher level of fitness and health. It is accessible to just about everybody. It's safe, simple and doesn't require practice and the health benefits are many. Here's more about why walking is good for you, and how to get started. Benefits of walking Walking, like other exercise, can help you achieve a number of importan...

Fertility Risk From Laptop Computers

The increasing popularity of laptop computers, together with evidence that elevated scrotal temperature can result in sperm damage, has prompted researchers from the State University of New York to undertake the first study into the effect of heat from laptop computers on scrotal temperature. With the exception of an anecdotal report of genital burns, the effect of portable computers on scrotal temperature when used on the lap has been unknown until now. The researchers findings, reported in the journal Human Reproduction , show that using a computer on the lap increased the temperature of the scrotum by around 2.7°C. Previous studies have shown that increases in testicular temperature of between 1°C and 2.9°C have been associated with a sustained and considerable negative effect on spermatogenesis and fertility. "By 2005, there will be 60 million laptop computers in use in the USA and a predicted 150 million worldwide. Continued improvements in power, size and pr...


GREEN WORLD NIGERIA: Herbal Products And Supplements: GREEN WORLD SLIMMING CARE PACKAGE : Do you want to Lose Weight FAST? I can recommend Green World's Slimming Package                                            SECTION: ...

Ways To Relax Your Stree.

Often, we are so overwhelmed with our daily routine that we are left feeling stressed out and anxious. As we do not know how to relax our brain, we end up developing several health complications like depression, heart diseases, and fertility problems.  A foul mood prevents us from experiencing so many beautiful things that life has to offer. We tend to develop a negative attitude towards life. Almost 75-90% of all visits to the doctor in America are related to stress. But then, we have several relaxation techniques which can help to keep us rejuvenated so that our life remains on track. Learning to relax is not a difficult task at all as we all have an innate ability to do so. Remember the times when we were young and nothing could bother us. It is just that we have got so involved with our routine works that we have forgotten how to relax. There are several relaxation techniques which are quite useful for stress relief, but the efficacy of each method varies from person ...

Control Diabetes Through Exercise

LIVING WITH DIABETES: WAY TO EXERCISE Exercise is important for people with diabetes, because it helps regulate blood sugar and provide cardiovascular fitness that protect against heart and artery disease. Simple exercise like the one listed below, done for half an hour everyday goes along esay in preventing complication of diabetes. 1. Climbing stair - it helps jump start their circulation of blood. 2-3 trips on the stairs also help achieve the required 30 minute of physical activity in a day to stay healthy. 3. Run / Jog - Moreover running boosts your heart rate and makes you burn more fat, resulting in weight loss and cardio vascular fitness! 4. Do house work 5. Do Gardening 6. Swimming - In fact swimming is counted as a form of cardio which along with boosting your heart’s fitness and increasing your endurance also helps alleviate back pain, joint pains and the pain associated with arthritis. For full information on how to co...