Cancer-Fighting Foods and Nutrients

1. Fruit and vegetables are top of the anti-cancer foods. These are good sources of vitamins A, c,E, Selenium and B-carotene. B-carotene as the vitamin A precursor, in the existence of other synergistic vitamins such as vitamin C and E, is able to reduce cancer risk. Those vitamins are found in large amounts in carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes and apricots. Blueberry contains a strong antioxidant – anthocyanin pigment (VMA) has been approved as an ideal anti-cancer fruit. 2. Garlic, used liberally, may keep cancer away. A National Cancer Institute study carried out in China in 1989 discovered that provinces where garlic was used liberally in their cooking had the lowest rate of stomach cancer. Garlic contains sulphur compounds that help deal with toxins and free radicals. 3. Soya beans have been associated with lower risk of breast cancer. In Japan and China, women who get most of their protein from soya bean foods have lower r...