Ten (10) Secrets To Living Longer.

You can achieve and win a better and loger life span for yourself with the following tips. The use of natural healthy supplement is a great way to drive yourself to this position. A research conducted by Buettner and his team studied the Blue Zones, they identified nine common traits shared by those communities where people live longer. He was surprised that it wasn’t only food and lifestyle, but also creating a most beneficial environment. Here’s a look at these longevity-boosting traits, known as the “Power of Nine(9) Move naturally. “Do your own house and yard work, go up and down your stairs with your laundry, knead your own dough,” Buettner advises. “Incorporate more movement every hour.” Know your purpose. “Take time to recognize your values, strengths, talents, passions and gifts,” Buettner says. Reflect, and work on yourself. Down shift. Relieve chronic stress by finding time each day to nap, meditate or pray. The 80% rule . Cut 20 pe...