The Dangers of Cell Phone Radiation

Remember that classic “this is your brain on drugs” commercial, with the egg frying in a pan? If you soon see a “this is your brain on cell phones” clip, don’t say we didn’t warn you: Cell phone radiation may be slowly sautéing your noodle, finds new research published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Using a first-of-its-kind technique for measuring electromagnetic radiation, researchers found the radiofrequency field generated by your cell phone causes brain tissue to heat up. This proves your brain is absorbing radiation from your cell, study author David Gultekin, Ph.D., a researcher at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, tells While Gultekin and his colleagues can’t say exactly how much cell phone radiation exposure is safe, the World Health Organization has classified radiofrequency fields as possibly carcinogenic, meaning exposure may put you at greater risk for brain cancer, the study explains. This isn’t the first study ...