Garcinia Cambogia - Natural Weight Loss Pill

Get in shape with Garcinia Cambogia - Natural Weight Loss Pil

About the Product - Garcinia Cambogia

*Safe & All Natural Weight Loss to Get Your Life Back!*

•    Garcinia Cambogia extract helps decrease belly fat acting specifically on fat cells, which is a huge problem for both men and women

•    The other mechanism of action of HCA is appetite suppression, which encourages you to eat less and give up sweets and/or snacks

•    HCA may decrease levels of stress and improve overall mood, which helps to reducing emotional eating.

•      Unlike other natural supplements, Garcinia Cambogia extract managed to get into the attention of the medical world, therefore there are several good studies which support its benefits.

Garcinia Cambogia is more commonly known as ‘Monkey Fruit’ and grows in the rainforests of Southeast Asia. According to recent clinical trials,

Garcinia Cambogia - Natural Weight Loss Pill

Garcinia is proven to -

* All natural and safe * Work to suppress appetites *Promote healthy weight loss
* Prevent cravings * Blocks the formation of fat production * Speeds up the metabolism

This small, unassuming, pumpkin-looking little fruit, contains the active ingredient Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA), said to help the body burn excess fat and suppress the appetite.

Key Benefits of Garcinia Extra:

 Contains 70% HCA
 Optimal 1000mg daily serving of Garcinia Cambogia
 Free from any negative side effects
 100% pure and free from preservatives
 Smells divine - think raspberry ripple ice cream!
 Formulated in the USA

Content: 120 capsules

Usage Instruction stated on the bottle

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or planning or any medical procedure, consult your doctor before use.

234-08038000974, 08181270737
Nationwide delivery in Nigeria

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