5 Factors That Lead To Low Sperm Motility

5 Factors That Lead To Low Sperm Motility

Avoid heat 

Extreme heat on the testicles leads to low sperm motility as it slows the sperm’s motility. So for this reason, physicians recommend men who are trying to get their partners pregnant to wear light, comfortable underwear and avoid hot baths and saunas.

Too much sex 

Prolonged sexual activity can reduce sperm motility. In this case, sperm’s motility will constantly decrease. It is best to save up the sperm every 2-3 days at least to ensure the best potency when it comes to intercourse (except in the case of your 2-4 day fertile window, whereby daily intercourse is good to catch the egg). Too frequent sex depletes the sperm and lowers count and motility.

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 Heavy metals 

 Heavy metals can also cause an irreversible damage to the quality of the sperm. Detoxifying your body of heavy metals can be done by avoiding iodized salt, sea fish, as well as organic foods (as organic farms use manure as fertilizer which can lead to heavy metal build-up). Drinking distilled water is also great as it has little mineral content. Vitamin & mineral deficiency Deficiency in certain vitamins or minerals can lead to lower sperm motility. There are certain vitamins and minerals with essential role in sperm motility.
 For example, a deficiency in zinc, selenium, vitamin B-12, folate and antioxidants have a negative impact on the quality of men’s sperm.
Stress  Stress and unhealthy lifestyle in general, also represent major obstacles for those who are willing to increase the motility of the sperm.

Here a number of possible treatments: 

 Consume the right nutrients 

They can be found in our daily food, or can be consumed alone, as pills. For example, zinc can be found in foods such as chicken, beef, shellfish or dairy products. The most important antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin A are found in broccoli, red peppers, spinach, sweet potatoes green tea, blueberries, and, of course, citruses. Coenzyme Q10, selenium and vitamin B-12 are directly related to sperm motility. Therefore, a daily treatment based Coenzyme Q10, Selenium and Vitamin B-12 will help boost sperm motility. Also, L-Carnitine and acetyl-L-Carnitine are believed to increase the motility of sperm, by helping the transformation of fatty acids into energy.


Unfortunately, low sperm motility can be a pretty severe problem, and sometimes the only solution might be IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) or ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injections). However, any treatment meant to increase sperm motility is worth it, because nothing compares to the possibility ofconceiving a baby.

You can order Fertility care Product Here 

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