Nutritional Supplements For Young and Older Women

Nutritional supplements can change their health and make you feel like you again!

Transform your health! Using Functional Medicine as our cornerstone, we teach women how lifestyle, nutrition and targeted nutritional supplements can change their health and make you feel like you again! Whether you’re interested in giving your body the right health care products, nutrients and vitamins for conception, healthy hair, glowing skin or sports and fitness – we’ve got the innovative, scientifically researched products to help you look and feel your best.
Understand your health risks and uncover the daily unmet needs of your body which may be affecting how you feel and how you perform.

Female care

Different types of supplements for women in Nigeria

1.    Gaurapad Komplete Facial: Gaurapad has selected only the very finest ingredients that nature has to offer in its Komplete Facial and packaged it all in a state of the art delivery system. You will be receiving six very distinct facials: Avocado, Tea tree oil, Cocoa, Orchid, Pomegranate and Seaweed bio-peptides – all of which are developed to target specific skin areas for improvement.
2.    Gaurapad Femina is a formula from ionics research. It is 100% natural, rapid-action solution for PMS, menstrual cramps and irregularity, based on advanced deep penetration (transdermal) technology.

3.    Kidney Tonifying for women - kidney meridian also includes the adrenal glands that secrete a wide range of essential hormones regulation metabolism, excretion, immunity, sexual potency and fertility. Thus, the kidneys control sexual and reproductive functions and provide the body’s prime source  of sexual vitality, which the Chinese regard as a major  indicator of health and immunity.

4.    Soy power capsule: This product supports optimal health, age retardation, keeps the skin soft, moist and radiant, prevents female osteoporosis and alleviates menopausal symptom. The product has no complications and appropriate for long-term use.

5.    Mother Plus Tea also helps to restore uterine muscle tone after child-birth or miscarriage. It is also useful for relieving both the physical and emotional symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause.

6.    Red peony tablet : Remove fixed abdominal masses, painful Blood Stasis in the uterus; invigorates Blood. Related indications: Fibroid, other hard lumps in lower abdomen with pain

7.    Female Cleanser is processed from selected herbal ingredients with advanced modern technology. It is an ideal solution for female genital hygiene. Its super gentle formula can quickly relieve discharge associated with genital diseases.

8.    Gaurapad Beauty Now! is our all natural facial treatment to improve your skin’s overall health and appearance. It helps to fight aging and damage to the skin that happens overtime.

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