Green Tea Enhances Cognitive Ability And Memory

 Those same health-minded individuals may not know that the super nutrients known as catechins found in green tea also help increase memory recall and cognitive abilities.

Natural health enthusiasts have known for years that a fresh brewed cup of green tea provides an antioxidant punch that lowers the risk of developing many deadly lines of cancer, lowers the risk of developing dementia and can even boost metabolism to assist weight loss efforts.

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A research team from China publishing the results of a study on the journal, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research report that an antioxidant rich cup of green tea helps benefit memory, cognitive abilities and spatial awareness.

Regarding green tea consumption, there has been plenty of scientific attention on its use in helping prevent cardiovascular diseases, but now there is emerging evidence that its chemical properties may impact cellular mechanisms in the brain.

Students may want to take note, as performance on exams may be enhanced with a cup or two of green tea before hand. Green tea catechins promote neurogenesis to enhance memory and learning capabilities.

Researchers concentrated the active polyphenol known as EGCG (epigallocatechin-3 gallate), an organic chemical and main ingredient in green tea known to exhibit brain-protective properties in prior studies. Lead researcher, Dr. Yun Bai noted “We proposed that EGCG can improve cognitive function by impacting the generation of neuron cells, a process known as neurogenesis.” He and his team found that EGCG promotes the development of neural progenitor cells that contribute to memory retention and enhanced thought capabilities.

  Green World herbal tea series to relieve nausea, to slim, to keep high sugar away or to achieve a detoxifying body and other common ailments.

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