More than 15,000 children are dying from malnutrition every day. UNITE with us to save their lives through a business innovation that will benefit you financially.
ORIGIN|Unite's mission is to fight the scourge of malnutrition. We manufacture 6*59 micronutrients that are purchased by donors and delivered to malnourished children by AmeriCares, a nonprofit global health and disaster relief organization that delivers medicines, medical supplies and aid to people in need around the world. Just one unit of our 6*59™ provides a child with life changing and balanced micronutrients for one year.
You can donate 6*59™ here www.every6seconds.org/heartbeatlife.You can contact me to here out.
When you provide children with nutrients, you help them improve their health, and when children are healthy, they do better in school, and when they do better in school, they have increased earning power. With increased earning power they can break the cycle of poverty and realize their full potential and they too can begin to give back. So when you provide children with nutrients, you are also providing them with an opportunity, a chance for a brighter future. The good news is that we have the solution at our finger tips;
ORIGIN|Unite connects children under five with the essential nutrients to mitigate and eradicate diseases and mortality.
It’s so simple. You can order and donate units of ORIGIN's 6*59™ micronutrients (tablets), which will be shipped to children in need and you can create a network of ambassadors who do the same. All units are commissionable and of tremendous value to fight malnutrition.
You can become part of ORIGIN|Unite as an Ambassador on a sustainable level. This means that you get paid for promoting and supporting us in our fight to eradicate malnutrition! We believe this enterprise will set us up for the long haul. It’s a win-win situation. This is not to solicit for just a donation, as noble as that cause might be. We’re asking you to do something much more significant. This is about working and getting involved with us on a long-term basis and contributing huge amounts of product units through your network organization
Doing well by doing good! How cool is that! When you’re doing what you love, helping yourself and others to generate profits, and helping to make the world a better place to live, what more can there be? We call it “making an IMPACT!”
Check here for more http://myoriginunite.com/heartbeatlife
There are 3 Unite Ambassador Packs (or Yearly Impact Packs) namely:
a. Basic - $297.00: Approximately N49,900.00 (You sponsor 12 children annually).
b. Advanced - $497.00: Approximately N83,500.00 (You sponsor 20 children annually).
c. Pro12 - $1,197.00: Approximately N201,100.00 (You sponsor 48 children annually).
Total Amount in Naira:
a. Basic: $346.95 - N58,300.00
b. Advanced: $546.95 - N91,900.00
c. Pro12: $1,246.95 - N209,500.00
Any level you choose will be required for payment immediately.
Seize the "First Mover Advantage". Take action by locking in your position ahead of EVERYONE that will come in after you. You will inherit 100% of the volume and income from the people that will enroll after you. This is a stone cold fact.
You can join ORIGIN|Unite at http://myorigin
! That's the POWER of our program.
Olusegun John
08038000974, 08181270737