What you need to know about Vitamin E

There are many more uses of vitamin E that science is only beginning to investigate. This helpful vitamin will probably continue to make the news every so often.

1.  As an antioxidant with a powerful punch, vitamin E helps prevent cancer, heart disease, strokes, cataracts, and possibly some of the signs of aging.

2.  Vitamin E protects artery walls and keeps the "bad" low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol from being oxidized. Oxidation of LDL cholesterol marks the beginning of clogged arteries.

3.  Vitamin E also keeps the blood thin by preventing blood platelets from clumping together. High levels of vitamin E in the body decrease the risk of a non-fatal heart attack or stroke in most people.

4.  A dynamic cancer fighter, vitamin E protects cells and DNA from damage that can turn cancerous.

5.  It reduces the growth of tumors while enhancing immune function and preventing precancerous substances from being turned into carcinogens.

6 Studies with mice show that vitamin E applied to the skin may help prevent skin cancer resulting from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

7.  Women who suffer from fibrocystic breast disease can often find relief with vitamin E supplementation

8.  Vitamin E can be beneficial to people with diabetes. It enhances the action of insulin and improves blood glucose metabolism by reducing oxidative stress.

9.  Vitamin E applied to cuts may very well increase the healing rate because it minimizes oxidation reactions in the wound and also keeps the wound moist.

10. Many women report that vitamin E helps reduce hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause.

However, the vitamin may indeed delay or prevent some diseases or a loss of function related to aging.


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